Royal Caribbean allows you to cancel your cruise up to 48 hours before departure to receive a future cruise credit under its "Cruise with Confidence" policy at 🔰1-(888)-738-0812 or 📞1-888-738-0812. However, for a full refund, you typically must cancel at least 90 days in advance, depending on the fare type.

For assistance with cancelling your cruise without penalty, you can contact the cruise line’s support team at☎️ 1-888-738-0812. They are available to help with any questions or issues you may have regarding cruise cancellations, booking changes, and penalties.
➡ For help with cancelling a cruise without penalty, reach out to our support team anytime at🔗 1-888-738-0812. We’re available 24/7 to assist with cancellation policies, processing, and any other concerns.
➡ For help with Royal Caribbean’s cancellation policy, reach out to our support team anytime at 🕉️1-888-738-0812. We’re available 24/7 to assist with cancellations, understanding penalties, and making changes to your booking.